Saturday, February 7, 2009

......................Friday Update

Hello all. Sorry this is a little late but I had a busy night with Zachary last night. Friday started off pretty good, but by 8-ish Zachary was quite upset so that took all my time and energy. Zachary got up out of bed and into his wheel chair for a couple of hours. We took him down to the lobby to see different things and just get out of the room. He tolerated being up pretty good.

Zachary had a edible arrangement delivered so he started out in the am eating the strawberries then moved to the chocolate covered strawberries. Boy he enjoyed those, and I don't know if it was because he really wanted them or because daddy was like "hey I want those chocoloate ones" I personally think it was his spunk coming out in him towards daddy. We ordered him a lunch tray and he took 1 bite of mashed potatos and was like gross!!!!! He did have about 3 Vanilla milkshakes though. Dinner time came and he had chicken parm. He ate most of the chicken. Then at 7 they had shift change and we got this nurse aid that wanted to do things her way not like they had been doing and that put Zachary over the edge. He kept telling her not that way they do it this way and I could see him getting upset, so I spoke up and she gave me her attitude. Well that was a very short stay for her because I went right to the nurse and said something so we didn't see her the rest of the night. Zachary was so upset they had to give him medicine to calm him down. Then 11 came and his nurse changed and this morning I turned her in. She never repositioned him since last night before we went to sleep. So evil Jodi came out.

This am Zachary is much better he has his favorite nurse aid Rob with him and he was giving him holy heck. The Zachary personality is coming back. I have a few pictures to upload here but the network wont let me so I will email them to a friend and they will post for me later.

Thanks going out to the Gleason family for the package they sent our little guy. He got a Boston Red Sox package that had a autographed ball, hat, coffee mug, mints,and candy wafers.

I will try to update later on Saturdays progress. Zachary is up right now in his wheel chair and wants to go for a walk so I better get moving him. Thanks all for the continuous thoughts and prayers.

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