Zack in the recovery room

Zack today with his baseball blanket!
Thursdays Update
Today was a very long day for both Zachary & I. Last night I didn't get much rest between all the bells going off, Zachary waking up and his little room mate waking up it made for a very long night. It seemed like every time I would get to sleep someone would come in and wake me up. His Dr. was in sometime between 530-6am checking on him. I couldn't quite see the clock without my glasses on.
Zachary has been very quiet today, but did get him to talk on the phone to his papa dave. Zachary is starting to drink a little more which is great also.
This afternoon he asked me to lay and cuddle with him so you know I took total advantage of that opportunity. It was very uncomfortable for me seeing he takes up most of the bed width wise with his cast, but I was not passing up that opportunity. I think he is very angry at us, but like the Dr said he needed it done for many reasons after seeing Tuesdays xrays.
They ordered him a wheelchair so that will be delivered to the hospital sometime Friday morning and we will be renting that until he doesn't need it anymore. Then later on I mentioned to the nurses his foot seemed to be getting more and more swollen so they had the cast guy come up and check it out and he had to cut the cast up to the knee and prop it open to relieve some of the pressure. Hopefully by morning it will look better. Zachary was also running a low fever but nothing tylenol couldn't handle. They have been having him blow bubbles every couple hours in order to help keep his lungs expanding. As for pain he still isn't verbalizing anything, but we are able to tell by some expressions. He is getting morphine from a pump and they just gave him some valume to help with the spasms. It seems as soon as he falls asleep he wakes up from a spasm. I am going to attach a pic of him so you can all see our little guy.
Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers and I owe you all a lot for everything everyone is doing/saying. Thanks again and I will update again on Friday.
1 comment:
Ty & Carrissa would like to tell Zachary that they really hope he feels better!
Take Care - all of you are so strong!
Anna Hlywa
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