Hello all....This past weekend I was able to do some catch up on my scrapbooking. I got about 7-8 pages done and 1 card. I figured why not share a few of my favorites, and you can get a feel for what kind of scrapper I am. I would love to scrap everyday, but with our busy lives and life in general that gets in my way. So my work from the weekend goes like this:
Saurini Florida Vacation- from when we went to Disney in April 07
Soccer- Marissa's team won the championship in 07.
Washington Nationals Baseball- We went to DC to visit our Friends the Acta's (Manny is the manager for the Nationals) and we had the best time. It was amazing to be able to do the things we did, I guess it really does pay to know someone. We saw parts of the stadium that the general public never sees (I didn't scrap those pictures because we where asked to not share that info to general public, which I totally understand)
Harley Davidson- Zachary loves to sit on Papa's Mo-Mo. These where from 06 I believe. Yes I am way behind, I will catch up soon I made that promise to myself.
Preschool- Zachary on his first day of preschool for the 2 yr old program. He is so tiny looking back at him, then again he doesn't look much bigger now and to think he is going to kindgarten in September.
Jordan Fall Festival- your typical carnival type event. Kids love it, and we always meet up with friends we haven't seen in awhile.
Gingerbread house making- This was gingerbread house making for Zachary's 3 yr old preschool. Marissa loves helping in do the gingerbread house, which is good because he looses the attention on it real quick. They did a great job.
Coloring Eggs- This was coloring easter eggs, and who was going to color more. I made an even amount for them to color each, but it still had to be a competition. I just enjoy the fact that they are together and learning from each other.
(Sorry the pictures didn't load in the order I typed about them. They are pretty easy to figure out though)
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