On Wednesday of last week Zachary's preschool class went on a field trip to the Auburn Fire Department. Zachary had a great time, but got a little nerveous when one of the firefighters put on the full gear and mask with oxygen and started crawling on the floor. When he breathed it made a funny sound and Zach did not like that. They said they do that for that specific reason of kids freaking out when they see them like that. They want to teach them that they are there to help them not scare them. Then they asked the kids how many play with matches/lighters at home, and the firefighter raised his hand so all the kids raised their hands. I was like Zachary we don't even have that stuff in the house and he started giggling. The firefighter said they probably all did it because he raised his hand and they where so into listening to him. LOL
Anyway, here are a couple pictures of Zachary and his friends.

Zachary trying on the fire coat & helmet. Guess you better grow up a little more Zachary.

Oh no he is driving. We better all watch out because that will be happening before we know it.

Our little poser. Can you tell he was having a great time?
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