Wednesday, May 7, 2008

He's all registered

Oh my baby......yepper I said my baby Zachary is all registered for kindergarten. I had to take him on Monday and it was kinda a sad day, but yet a joyous day for me. I had mixed feelings but am ok now but just wait till the first day of school I will probably be a wreck.

Anyway, we went in and of course Zachary knew a bunch of people there so he wasn't afraid or nerveous. Once he saw his Aunt Lisa he was real happy. When it came time to take him from me for the testing in the gym he just got up and went. I thought for sure he was going to be hesitant but he wasn't. I got to see some of the testing he was having done, and mentioned to the testers about things going on with him and his other evaluations and they noted all that. Well the next day someone from the school contacted me and agreed with my concerns and they are going to do some more testing to find out the exact type of class room Zachary needs to be in. They are thinking just a smaller class with a aid or two to help keep him on track. Finally someone else sees what we are going through and dealing with.

Well as I was getting Zachary back into the van after it was all done, he says to me "Mom how come you didn't take any pictures of me? You always take pictures of things." I couldn't believe I had forgotten my camera. I was mad at myself but didn't want him to see it, but as usual he doesn't miss a trick. So maybe after all he is smarter than we all think. LOL

Gosh....we have to just love those little apples in our eyes no matter what they say or do. They are just so unpredictable and amazing with what they say and come up with.

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