I have the cutest little story to tell you all. I am sorry I didn't post it earlier in the week, but time just slips away sometimes.
Anyway, last Sunday we had to go to 5pm mass instead of our usual 10 am because Marissa had to altar serve. Well anyways Zachary is always asking if he can carry the gifts up to the altar. We have explained to him that you have to be asked and really good. So when we pulled into the parking lot Zachary says, "Mommy can you ask GOD if I can carry the gifts up, I have been good." So I told him we will see. You can't ask, they ask you. So we get into the lobby and he says again "Mommy can you ask GOD if I can carry the gifts up?" Well the gentleman at the door heard him (how could you not seeing we where the only ones in the lobby and it echos) so he asked Zachary to carry the gifts up. He was beside himself. Rather cute I must say. So needless to say it was a very long mass with him asking if it time yet? Well after mass Father Lou goes outside and says goodbye to people as they are leaving and Zachary goes up to him and says, "Thank you GOD for letting me carrying the gifts up." I thought Father Lou was going to lose it laughing, but he didn't. It was the cutest thing ever.
We have to love what comes out of the mouths of our babies.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
Baseball game
Saturday was Zachary's first baseball game. He did very well and had alot of fun. He got struck out the frist time up, then had a hit his second time and then got thrown out at first on his third time up. Zachary also got to be the catcher for a inning and he looked like a pro. I will have those pictures to post at a later date because my battery died by that time. But here are a couple pictures to share with you for now.
Zachary sitting on the bench waiting his turn.

Zachary's first up at bat. Come on you can hit that ball buddy.
He was so proud to get on base he had his arms up cheering for himself. LOL

Zachary's first up at bat. Come on you can hit that ball buddy.

Dance Recital
Friday Night was Marissa's 9th dance recital she was in. It was a night of great performance's and amazing friendships. This year Marissa got asked to do a special dance and gladly accepted that honor. In that special dance was Marissa, her 2 friends Mia, & Morgan. They looked amazing and truly where perfect in every way. Good job girls....the hard work showed off.

This was the special dance "Powder your face" They truly did a amazing job.

The was tap "Come follow the Band" and Marissa is right in the middle the first one facing you.
This was Jazz and they danced to "Defying Gravity" from wicked.
This was her only ballet number "Jump In"
She also did another tap number but for some reason I don't have a picture of her in that costume. I think it may have been because the dances where so close we had to do a quick change and I didn't take one. I do have a group picture but to many kids faces are showing so I won't post. If I happen to get one from the mother in law then I will post at a later date.

This was the special dance "Powder your face" They truly did a amazing job.

The was tap "Come follow the Band" and Marissa is right in the middle the first one facing you.

She also did another tap number but for some reason I don't have a picture of her in that costume. I think it may have been because the dances where so close we had to do a quick change and I didn't take one. I do have a group picture but to many kids faces are showing so I won't post. If I happen to get one from the mother in law then I will post at a later date.
Field Trip
On Wednesday of last week Zachary's preschool class went on a field trip to the Auburn Fire Department. Zachary had a great time, but got a little nerveous when one of the firefighters put on the full gear and mask with oxygen and started crawling on the floor. When he breathed it made a funny sound and Zach did not like that. They said they do that for that specific reason of kids freaking out when they see them like that. They want to teach them that they are there to help them not scare them. Then they asked the kids how many play with matches/lighters at home, and the firefighter raised his hand so all the kids raised their hands. I was like Zachary we don't even have that stuff in the house and he started giggling. The firefighter said they probably all did it because he raised his hand and they where so into listening to him. LOL
Anyway, here are a couple pictures of Zachary and his friends.
Zachary trying on the fire coat & helmet. Guess you better grow up a little more Zachary.

Oh no he is driving. We better all watch out because that will be happening before we know it.
Our little poser. Can you tell he was having a great time?
Anyway, here are a couple pictures of Zachary and his friends.

Oh no he is driving. We better all watch out because that will be happening before we know it.

Monday, May 19, 2008
Weekend Down Time
Over the weekend I made a promise to myself that I would have some down time and do what I wanted to do. Well I ended up working on my scrapbooks some more on Sunday. After Saturday out looking for a new vehicle all day I wasn't going anywhere on Sunday. Anyway here are my completed projects from this weekend.

This was pumpkin picking after Big Trucks. You can't see it in the picture but I used orange stickles over Pumpkin Picking and a few dots around the flowers in the title and on the vines of the pumpkins at the bottom middle. I really like the color I used but for some reason don't look anything like they do in person.

This layout was when we went to Big Trucks over in Skaneateles. Zachary loves going because you get to climb on all the trucks and equipment. In the one picture is Marissa and Zach in the bucket of a front loader. I actually love that picture by itself. They looked so cute on the equipment . Those where the days when sissy wanted to be with her brother gosh I want those days back.

This was from Halloween a couple years back. It was when we went trick or treating downtown with Zachary's preschool class and our friends Mary & Ana. Sorry the pictures are to close up, but I did that so you can see the pages themselves and not whos in the actual pictures.

This was pumpkin picking after Big Trucks. You can't see it in the picture but I used orange stickles over Pumpkin Picking and a few dots around the flowers in the title and on the vines of the pumpkins at the bottom middle. I really like the color I used but for some reason don't look anything like they do in person.

This layout was when we went to Big Trucks over in Skaneateles. Zachary loves going because you get to climb on all the trucks and equipment. In the one picture is Marissa and Zach in the bucket of a front loader. I actually love that picture by itself. They looked so cute on the equipment . Those where the days when sissy wanted to be with her brother gosh I want those days back.

This was from Halloween a couple years back. It was when we went trick or treating downtown with Zachary's preschool class and our friends Mary & Ana. Sorry the pictures are to close up, but I did that so you can see the pages themselves and not whos in the actual pictures.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Car Shopping
I hate it. Oh my gosh it's the worst job in the world if you ask me. My lease is up in September so I figured we should start looking now in order to not rush our decision. Well I have been on this kick to try and lower our debt with me going to school so instead of going new we thought maybe we should just buy a used vehicle. Problem #1 I need the room for transporting with the daycare kids. #2 It's cheaper to lease a new vehicle. Well we wasted our whole day today looking and test driving. Well I test drove the 2009 Dodge Journey.........I LOVE IT, well seeing its so new there are no rebates or discounts on it, so then I figured lets stay with the Grand Caravan thats right in our price range that we want but do I really want the same exact vehicle? I would like to downsize in vehicle size if possible. So we didn't go with that option either so we talked about it on the way home and then thought lets try used. Well jeepers kreepers.....we drove a Honda Pilot and we really liked it, but man they want a fortune for that even and its used. I think come September I will be just footing it. LOL
If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. I would love to hear what you all have to say and please no offense to anyone Do NOT suggest a Hyundai. Don't get me wrong they look like nice vehicles, but I have learned with the Dodge Caravan they are a dime a dozen and the Hyundais are even worse in that catagory. I know a vehicle is the worst investment you can make, so I don't want to really make a mistake and go that route.
Zachary loved shopping for cars and is disappointed we aren't getting the pilot, but we have to make the smart move from now on, not just because we want it, or it looks cool. So please help me out here if you can.
If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. I would love to hear what you all have to say and please no offense to anyone Do NOT suggest a Hyundai. Don't get me wrong they look like nice vehicles, but I have learned with the Dodge Caravan they are a dime a dozen and the Hyundais are even worse in that catagory. I know a vehicle is the worst investment you can make, so I don't want to really make a mistake and go that route.
Zachary loved shopping for cars and is disappointed we aren't getting the pilot, but we have to make the smart move from now on, not just because we want it, or it looks cool. So please help me out here if you can.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Zachary's Birthday

Happy Belated Birthday to our baby. Ok he isn't a baby anymore he turned 5 on Friday, and boy did he get to celebrate. Yeppers he had stuff going on Friday, Saturday, & Sunday. (Can we say spoiled? LOL) Well we celebrated Zachary's birthday Friday night by letting him choose what he wanted to eat and he originally chose Chili's, but they had a 45-60 min wait, and it was already 7:45 pm because we had soccer for Marissa & baseball for Zachary. So his second choice was Applebee's. On Saturday we had a birthday party at Polish Falcons Bowling for all his little preschool friends. I myself was shocked at how well some of these 4-5 yr olds could bowl. We had about 4-5 of them get strikes. I can't even get a strike! I will post a couple pictures from our weekend and Zachary on his birthday all ready for school. (I will be specific with the pictures I post because I don't know if other parents want their children posted on the internet.)
All the pictures of Marissa have a child in it with her so until I ask a couple parents if they mind, I won't have any pics of her to post. If I could just learn how to edit/crop pictures I could do that, but I am not a very computer technical person.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
First Baseball Practice
Last night we where finally able to have our first baseball practice for Zachary's team. Last weeks got rained out both times and thought for sure last nights would to considering it started raining here about 3 and practice was at 5. Zachary did pretty good considering it was his first time. He doesn't quite get the concept that every ball doesn't have to be thrown to him first. He is def. the smallest kid on the team and so cute trying to stay up with the others, but his little legs just can't do the job. I believe from listening to the parents heckle the coach that all the other players are return players so I hope that doesn't discourage our little guy and I hope the kids don't make fun of him or tease him because then me as a parent will have to stand up and say a few things. We all have been there at some point being a first timer, or not the greatest athlete, but come on lets not teach our children to say mean and hurtful things. I am worried about his catching the ball seeing he moves out of the way and I could see some of the moms/dads making faces when that happened. I was bumming as a parent because we are just so proud that he wants to try this we don't care if he is the next Derek Jeter or not he is a star in our eyes. So everyone please wish Zachary luck in a successful first season of baseball.
Updates will come over the weekend regarding Marissa's first soccer practice of the season. She can't wait, but is kinding bumming because for some reason she had her team switched. Someone had mentioned it could be because a kid that played last year isn't playing this year and it was his grandfather that sponsored the team. I hope thats the case because she was pretty close with her previous teammates and they all knew how each other moved and where the league champs last year.
Updates will come over the weekend regarding Marissa's first soccer practice of the season. She can't wait, but is kinding bumming because for some reason she had her team switched. Someone had mentioned it could be because a kid that played last year isn't playing this year and it was his grandfather that sponsored the team. I hope thats the case because she was pretty close with her previous teammates and they all knew how each other moved and where the league champs last year.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
He's all registered
Oh my gosh........my baby......yepper I said my baby Zachary is all registered for kindergarten. I had to take him on Monday and it was kinda a sad day, but yet a joyous day for me. I had mixed feelings but am ok now but just wait till the first day of school I will probably be a wreck.
Anyway, we went in and of course Zachary knew a bunch of people there so he wasn't afraid or nerveous. Once he saw his Aunt Lisa he was real happy. When it came time to take him from me for the testing in the gym he just got up and went. I thought for sure he was going to be hesitant but he wasn't. I got to see some of the testing he was having done, and mentioned to the testers about things going on with him and his other evaluations and they noted all that. Well the next day someone from the school contacted me and agreed with my concerns and they are going to do some more testing to find out the exact type of class room Zachary needs to be in. They are thinking just a smaller class with a aid or two to help keep him on track. Finally someone else sees what we are going through and dealing with.
Well as I was getting Zachary back into the van after it was all done, he says to me "Mom how come you didn't take any pictures of me? You always take pictures of things." I couldn't believe I had forgotten my camera. I was mad at myself but didn't want him to see it, but as usual he doesn't miss a trick. So maybe after all he is smarter than we all think. LOL
Gosh....we have to just love those little apples in our eyes no matter what they say or do. They are just so unpredictable and amazing with what they say and come up with.
Anyway, we went in and of course Zachary knew a bunch of people there so he wasn't afraid or nerveous. Once he saw his Aunt Lisa he was real happy. When it came time to take him from me for the testing in the gym he just got up and went. I thought for sure he was going to be hesitant but he wasn't. I got to see some of the testing he was having done, and mentioned to the testers about things going on with him and his other evaluations and they noted all that. Well the next day someone from the school contacted me and agreed with my concerns and they are going to do some more testing to find out the exact type of class room Zachary needs to be in. They are thinking just a smaller class with a aid or two to help keep him on track. Finally someone else sees what we are going through and dealing with.
Well as I was getting Zachary back into the van after it was all done, he says to me "Mom how come you didn't take any pictures of me? You always take pictures of things." I couldn't believe I had forgotten my camera. I was mad at myself but didn't want him to see it, but as usual he doesn't miss a trick. So maybe after all he is smarter than we all think. LOL
Gosh....we have to just love those little apples in our eyes no matter what they say or do. They are just so unpredictable and amazing with what they say and come up with.
Monday, May 5, 2008
My Weekend

Hello all....This past weekend I was able to do some catch up on my scrapbooking. I got about 7-8 pages done and 1 card. I figured why not share a few of my favorites, and you can get a feel for what kind of scrapper I am. I would love to scrap everyday, but with our busy lives and life in general that gets in my way. So my work from the weekend goes like this:
Saurini Florida Vacation- from when we went to Disney in April 07
Soccer- Marissa's team won the championship in 07.
Washington Nationals Baseball- We went to DC to visit our Friends the Acta's (Manny is the manager for the Nationals) and we had the best time. It was amazing to be able to do the things we did, I guess it really does pay to know someone. We saw parts of the stadium that the general public never sees (I didn't scrap those pictures because we where asked to not share that info to general public, which I totally understand)
Harley Davidson- Zachary loves to sit on Papa's Mo-Mo. These where from 06 I believe. Yes I am way behind, I will catch up soon I made that promise to myself.
Preschool- Zachary on his first day of preschool for the 2 yr old program. He is so tiny looking back at him, then again he doesn't look much bigger now and to think he is going to kindgarten in September.
Jordan Fall Festival- your typical carnival type event. Kids love it, and we always meet up with friends we haven't seen in awhile.
Gingerbread house making- This was gingerbread house making for Zachary's 3 yr old preschool. Marissa loves helping in do the gingerbread house, which is good because he looses the attention on it real quick. They did a great job.
Coloring Eggs- This was coloring easter eggs, and who was going to color more. I made an even amount for them to color each, but it still had to be a competition. I just enjoy the fact that they are together and learning from each other.
(Sorry the pictures didn't load in the order I typed about them. They are pretty easy to figure out though)
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Adjusting to new times
Wow, I have been trying to update this more often, but with my time schedules, I am failing. So just as a heads up I will only be updating 1-2 week, unless something really good or exciting is going on in our lives. I started a new little guy with mydaycare, and that means I have to get up early (I'm not a morning person) and Marissa has her dance 3x week preparing for her recital, Zachary starts baseball Friday night, and Marissa will have soccer and softball soon enough too. Then starting in June I will be going to school every other Friday/Saturday/Sunday. I will be leaving Friday afternoon and not returning till Sunday night. I will miss the family, while gone but it will be easier for all of us instead of getting home around 7-8 at night go to bed get up and leave at 6 am again for school.
Rob and I are also trying to plan a little get away to NYC (again) this summer and are looking for a different hotel to stay in. We normally stay at the Sheraton Manhatten or Sheraton Towers. Does anyone have any other suggestions? He likes to be right in Time Squares (which is the most expensive area). I'm kinding bumming because we where suppose to go to LasVegas to visit his brother and see the busy city, but the wonderful airlines are charging a fortune for the airfare and we refuse to pay those crazy prices. So any suggestions would be great from all you wonderful readers out there.
I will post some pics over the weekend from Zachary's first baseball practice. He is so tiny, so I can imagine what he is going to look like out there.
Rob and I are also trying to plan a little get away to NYC (again) this summer and are looking for a different hotel to stay in. We normally stay at the Sheraton Manhatten or Sheraton Towers. Does anyone have any other suggestions? He likes to be right in Time Squares (which is the most expensive area). I'm kinding bumming because we where suppose to go to LasVegas to visit his brother and see the busy city, but the wonderful airlines are charging a fortune for the airfare and we refuse to pay those crazy prices. So any suggestions would be great from all you wonderful readers out there.
I will post some pics over the weekend from Zachary's first baseball practice. He is so tiny, so I can imagine what he is going to look like out there.
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