Friday, February 25, 2011

.................Day #2 Post Op

Today started out as a great day. Zach was up around 630 and had a great night of sleeping. He was up till around 930ish then got real grumpy/nasty to us. He was able to get his 1 iv out, catheter out and was told to drink some more so they could try to get the other iv out. Well he was drinking pretty good but ended up having the iv back on because he stopped drinking. He has only ate 2 bites of french toast and 1 strawberry. Every time I ask him if he wants something he gets agitated. He then took a nap and woke up happy again. He got up in the wheel chair and slept in it for about 3 hours. After that he has been a bear again and yelling at us all. I was trying to give him some AJ and he started yelling its poison you just want to kill me. Get me out of this dump, you all want to just kill me thats all. It's hurting me so bad to see him like this, but I know some of it is because of the pain meds. As I type this now he is sleeping comfortably.

He had his favorite nurse from last time today, and she tells him like it is and makes deals with him which seem to work best. She is coming back tomorrow so hopefully we will get her again.


Anonymous said...

Jodi, hang in there a lot of it is the drugs and being under for so long during surgery. He won't even remember any of this, I know I didn't and I was older and my Mom said I got into an argument with the nurse. Tell Zach that Sampson wants him to hurry up and get better so that he can play with him. Lenny did your driveway today, sorry I forgot the fish thing. Thank you for the update. Tell Zach that if he eats and drinks he'll get strong like Superman!

Jodi said...

Thank You Lenny & Jackie. My mother in law and marissa will be back tomorrow evening sometime. Don't worry about the fish food thing Kristin from around the corner is going over to feed them. I will keep the posts coming along and keep being that pain in the butt mom and asking non stop do you want something or need something because thats my job and I want him to get better soon. It stinks seeing him like this because we all know Zach is not a little guy to stay down for long.