Yesterday was the first day of school for both kids. Marissa was very excited to get off and went with no problem. Zachary on the other hand was a little nerveous but thats to be expected considering it was all new to him. He was going to a big school, riding a bus and being away from mommy for 6 hours a day.
The day went by with no problems for either of them. Ok Zachary's side of the story goes like this:
Mommy: How was school buddy?
Zachary: Horrible!
M: Why was it horrible?
Z: My teacher is terrible
M: Why is that?
Z: because he is mean, and all he did was (zach is making motions with his hand as if someone is talking)
M: Well did you keep talking and thats why he did that?
Z: No and I don't want to talk about it anymore.
Well finally by the end of the night I was able to get out of him more info and I really think he enjoyed himself, he just didn't like he has to listen, sit, and go by a schedule. LOL
He was very tired when he got home due to not having a nap in school but that will pass with time also or atleast I am hoping. I don't know if I can stand him being so moody from 330-830 when he goes to bed. Dear god please help us through this phase and make it turn around for how he feels about school.
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