Wednesday, November 12, 2008

..........................Thursday is fast approaching

Thursday is fast approaching and I have been preparing Zachary for his eye surgery. I think he understands this time what is going to be happening. He doesn't seem as anxious or atleast not right now Thursday may be a different story.

I am worried about keeping him away from food and drinks. His surgery isn't until 2 so thats a long time for a little guy that eats non stop to go without eating/drinking. I plan on taking him to the Y in the am to visit his old preschool and just spending some 1-1 time in hopes it distracts him.

Friday we will go for a follow up and then next week is very busy with another follow up on the eye, then we are gone to Boston for 2 days.

I will keep everyone posted on how the surgery goes. I am also going to do before and after pics of his too.

1 comment:

Cheri said...

Sounds like you are going to be VERY busy the next week or so! Sorry I haven't called but we too have been very busy with appointments for Lia. We are praying for Zach.