I love the parrots, but don't care for the smell in the bird area. Zach wanted out as soon as we got in there. He was afraid a bird would poop on his head. And poop was the topic of the day with all the boys. They were fascinated with the animals doing their business. And it seemed like every exhibit we went to they were doing their business. LOL
The monkeys. Zach wanted to sit and watch them all day. But I made him go out and see the other animals and we went back in before we left. I kept telling him I was going to leave him with the monkeys and he was all excited. He is a nut-so.
On Saturday May 7th we celebrated his birthday at Cedar House Bowling with his friends. He had everything Phineas & Ferb. That boy sure likes his P&F.
Daddy was giving him a pep talk before he started bowling. He did pretty good. I think he got a 95. Something I probably wouldn't have gotten. He got a strike too and was so excited.
Marissa was helping Zach out. He got a little impatient at times, but sissy came to the rescue and helped out. They all had a good time this year. The key is not to many friends being there. Just enough to enjoy each other and help out and have a grand 'ol time.
This week we have Marissa's band concert (I can never get pictures because she sits in the back and you can't see her.) Next week we are back to Boston for check up and hoping Zachary gets out of his cast, and the following week we have dance recital rehearsal and dance recital. Then a nice 3 day weekend for the Memorial Day Holiday. Oh boy I can't wait I have so much work I want to try to get caught up on outside and around the house. I have actually given up my gym time the past week to get a head start on it, I hope I don't regret doing that and can get back into the groove of going to the gym.
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