Thursday, April 10, 2008

Going to the Beach

Just letting you all know we leave Friday for Myrtle Beach. We will be back next weekend and I am sure I will have plenty of pictures to share along with some stories. For those of you that don't know Zachary LOVES Craig Morgan (Country Singer) and he is going to be in concert at a local bar down there, so I being the super mom that I am (LOL) called the place and got permission to bring Zachary in there. I told them about Zachary and purchased our tickets directly from the owner of the bar and they are going to get Zachary a Meet & Greet and side stage passes. (We aren't telling him that just incase they don't come through.) So we can't wait for next Thursday night for the concert only. We don't want to rush it to fast because that means our vacation is moving toward the end.

Please all wish us good driving time and safety. Zachary is a talker and I sure hope he doesn't talk the whole 14 hours we will be driving. Chat with you all when we get back home.

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