Thursday, December 18, 2008

..............................A lot of pain lately

It's been about 1 week since I posted last, but thats because there has been much pain at this end. I had 3 big finals for school (nursing, pharmacology, & nutrition). We got the results back from Zachary's genetic testing (not posting that info. to much pain to keep bringing up), and last.......Zachary has been having alot of pain in his left left.

We keep asking him exactly where and he points to just above the knee on the inside he says. That is the area that is weakest and will undergo the bone grafting. I tell you 6 weeks can't come soon enough for this poor little guy to get his leg fixed. Nights have been rough because when he has this pain he is up and down all night long. Tylonal/Motrin don't seem to do the trick anymore for some reason. I am thinking maybe its getting worse (which it did at his August apt) or he is used to the medicine. I also think the pain gets so bad during school that when he gets home he starts his medicine again and it takes awhile to get back into him. He won't go to the nurse while in school. He tells us its because the guy nurse is all by himself and has to do everything and take care of everyone so since he doesn't go down he gets a little break. Bless Zachary's heart for thinking like that, but I keep telling him that his comfort level is just as important and the nurse is only doing his job. So hopefully today he went and got his medicine. I called the teacher and explained to him he has been having pain so he was going to watch for the signs.

1 comment:

TheRun4life said...

Keep the focus! Keep everything fun and keep your mind off it! Someday soon I am hoping you can look back like I do and realize how worth it, that all the hard work is. We all have Zack in our hearts and minds!