Oh my gosh. I have neglected this blog and I apologize for that. Things have been wicked crazy around here. The end of the school year has come and gone. Marissa is going into 10th grade and had a 88 average overall. Was nerveous about having to do summer school for global but she pulled it off. Zachary is going into the 3rd grade and doesn't need AIS math help anymore. Very proud of both of the children and their grades.
Last week was Crazy, Zachary had a eye appointment on Tuesday in Syracuse, on Wednesday I had a physical fitness test to take for the County Jailer test I took. I scored a 85 on the test and passed all the physical fitness part. Part 1 we had 1min45sec and I completed it in 58 seconds. Part 2 we had 1 min 45 sec and I completed it in 1min 15 seconds, part 3 we had 67 seconds I did it in 31 seconds and the last part (hardest part) 1 mile run in 10 min 15 seconds and I finished it in 10min 13 seconds. Just made it and thats all that mattered. I was worried about the running because my miles have been only around 11:30 so I had to push myself a little harder this time around. Then Zachary had his 8 yr physical. Zach had a bday party and I had training at Wegmans on Thursday. Friday Zachary had to have a Ultra sound on his kidneys and nephrology appointment. The week flew by so fast I didn't know if I was coming or going. In between Marissa babysat 3 days out of the week for people and is loving earning her own money. I am happy because it teaches her it doesn't come so easy and you tend to have a harder time spending it if its yours and not mom and dads. LOL
Marissa turned 15 on the 5th of July. Its so hard to shop for a teenager like her. LOL She wants everything under the sun but we went ahead and got her a pandora bracelet. Yes I know my 15 yr old has one and I don't. Oh well Christmas isn't to far off. LOL No party for her this year. She had a couple girlfriends over to go swimming since it was absolutely beautiful out. It has been 2 days and I am still feeling the pain from the sunburn from being at the pool. I don't know why I bother using sunscreen since I burn anyway.
Over the 4th of July weekend we were lucky enough to have a friend get us tickets to a Pittsburgh Pirates game, and another friend got us his hotel discount so we had a nice couple of days away and cheap. Our seats ended up being in the suites. The kids loved it up there and seeing as hot as it was, it was nice to have access to a/c every so often to cool off. The pirates won 5-3.

Today Zachary was admitted to Strong (Golisano childrens Hospital) for 24 hr eeg testing. We do not know how long we will be here though. They say 24 hours, but if they don't get enough readings they keep you till they do. Zach is relaxing right now but earlier he was quite upset. I can't say as if I don't blame him. I wanted to take a picture of him but he said absolutely no pictures. (I will try to sneak atleast 1 at some point).
I am working 3 jobs to prepare to go back to school. I am doing the daycare, office at the Doubledays, and cashier at Wegmans. I know crazy but I have a plan.
Next week we are back to Boston for a check up for 1 day. Hoping all is well. It seems to be from what we can see/notice but only the xrays tell the truth.
The following week is already camping week at Alleganey. We are going down for 4 days and Marissa will stay all week with Nonnie. I am not sure if Zach will stay or come home with us. I prefer he come home with us but its up to Nonnie and him. Other than that, thats about it on this end. i will try to update after Boston.