Monday, October 18, 2010

...............Getting better

Last week was a busy week here again with Dr. appointments for the kids. Zach went on Wednesday had xrays and 1 fracture is healing while the other has started but not enough to keep him out of a cast. So back into a leg cast Mr. Zachary went. He wasn't a happy camper, but he doesn't listen and stay down to rest it. I know its hard especially when he is a 7 yr old boy, but boy I sure would like to be without a cast on him for a little while. I sound like a broken record telling him to go lay down or sit in the living room and watch tv and rest your leg. I will say I have threatened him a couple times and it doesn't bother him 1 bit. That child is going to be the death of me I swear.

Marissa went on Friday and they were pleased with her progress. Very happy with her movement & flexing she can do with it. Michelle told her she has to use the crutches and immobolizer still for another 4 weeks. That didn't go over well because its homecoming weekend and she didn't want to be strapped down. Well it was a rainy, cold, and windy day so the foot ball game was out already and I told her she could go to the dance regardless. We let her have her brace off for homecoming pictures but as soon as they were over it went back on. I think she has been cheating and trying to walk without crutches and her brace because she has had a lot of pain the last couple of days and she was warned too, she needs to stay off it or she will be having another surgery. What is it with my hard headed kiddos and not listening to the Dr?

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