Holy moly. My baby boy turned 7 years old on Sunday. I honestly don't know where the time has gone. It seems just like yesterday. We had a busy weekend full of birthday activities for Zachary. Friday night he had his friends birthday party at Cedar House bowling and it was a good time by all. The kids where perfect little angels. Never thought I would say that about a bunch of 7 yr olds, but it was a true pleasure to spend the evening with them all.
Sunday, we celebrated Mothers Day, Zachary's birthday, Nonnie Judi's birthday, & Great Uncle Ronnie's birthday. Everyone came over for a cook out then we had cake and presents. By the end of the night Zachary was all worn out and took a nice warm shower and had his medicine since his leg was bothering him and off to dreamland he went. He woke on up Monday morning and was ready to go with all his new clothes and presents. He was finally able to see what he had and take it all in. Some of his favorite gifts where: Moon Sand, NY Yankees switchplate cover, his new tshirts, and his Zhu, Zhu pet.
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