2009 in review:
January- Marissa tried out for the girls basketball team and made it. We where very proud of her.
February-Was a very tough month. We spent almost 2 weeks in Boston for Zachary's surgery on his leg.
March- Zach was still recovering, and Marissa finished up basketball not doing to bad I must say for her first time.
April- Zach finally got out of his body cast, Marissa found out she made the National Junior Honor Society Friends & family also helped put on a benefit to help support us for the medical bills from this huge surgery Zachary underwent in February. Thank you everyone that came out to support us. It was truly amazing the amount of people there (we actually ran out of food). Zachary enjoyed his day with his special visitor Abner from the Auburn Doubledays.
May- Zachary's 6th bday, Marissa made the school softball team and had her 10th yr dance recital and got a award for it. Out of the 10 yrs she had been dancing the most important year to her so far we had a costume malfunction and thats all she talks about to this day. Part of her 1/2 skirt came unpinned during her dance, but she kept on dancing like nothing ever happened.
June- Zachary had his Kindergarden graduation & walking with a walker for the first time since February, Marissa started summer softball league, and finished the school year with a 95 average. She worked very hard to achieve that and was rewarded pretty well (see August)
July- Marissa's 13th bday, we had a dance party for her, she went camping with Nonnie Judi for 1 week, Zach is still recovering and going to therapy 2-3 times a week. He is atleast walking with his walker more and more and not getting as tired. Doubledays baseball is in full swing
August- What a month this was. Marissa went to LasVegas to visit Uncle Tony & Gracie for 2 weeks (that was her reward for the 95 average). Yes 13 and in Vegas for 2 weeks. She had the time of her life and can't wait to go back. While she was in Vegas Rob, Zachary & I went to Niagara Falls (my first time ever) and then up to Toronto to watch the Blue Jays vs Yankees. A friend of ours B.C. plays for them and treated us to the games we saw and got us field passes. Yes we went on the field and met alot of the Yankees along with the Blue Jays. Derek Jeter even gave Zachary his bat. We also had a appointment in Boston and Dr. Spencer told us Zachary is doing very well and he can stop using the walker as tolerated. Zachary was very happy with that and hasn't used it since. We don't have to go back until the spring now for his check up.
September- Well before the kids went back to school we went to Toronto again to watch them play the Yankees again. (Thanks again B.C) This time we didn't get to go on the field but we got to bring Marissa & Nonnie Judi and met some good friends there (Josh, Julie & Shawn). While at the game we ran into a former Doubledays players father and he recognized Zachary after a couple years (how could you forget our Zachary?) After we spent 3 days in Toronto we stopped in Niagara Falls for the night and walked around with the kids. Then back to school it was. As school started up so didn't everything else, Soccer and Dance for Marissa. Zachary is in 1st grade while Marissa is in 8th. At the end of the Month Zachary & I went to Disney for a week. This was a trip for Zachary for being brave and strong for everything he had gone through the months prior. Thanks to a special friend who made this trip happen, without her generous support I wouldn't of been able to see such big smiles on my little guys face for a week.
October- Just a regular month nothing real exciting happening for this month. Zachary started swim lessons for a extra therapy since he only goes to Therapy 1x a week now. We did put our house on the Market in hopes to sell it so we can get a bigger house. We do have a couple houses in mind but can't do anything till this one sells.
November- The month of thanks. We spent alot of time together and had a very nice Thanksgiving. We only had to travel to Nonnie Judi's so that wasn't bad. I of course did my annual all nighter. Was up around 8am on Thanksgiving, then didn't go to bed until 9pm on Friday night. Yep I am one of those crazy people out shopping all night for the black friday rush. We always start at the outlet mall in Waterloo, then this year we went to Ithaca by 4am for all the sales there. Boy does my sister and I have some stories about this years adventures. (Thanks Dick-which is my Tom-Tom LOL)
December- I started school back up, we had a great Christmas Holiday and the kids where very happy. We did cut back alot this year, but the kids didn't seem to mind. We haven't had that much snow so they are kinding bumming since we usually go sledding over Christmas break.
So other than that the usual stuff went on. But those are the highlights and I sure hope I didn't forget anything or anyone. If I did I am sorry and will try better next year. LOL
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