Zachary with Skooch the mascot for the Chiefs. He was so excited for his first baseball game of the season and can't wait for the Doubledays to start next month

Watching the game so intently. Don't bother disturbing him because you won't get any reaction!
This past weekend was very busy, but wouldn't have it any other way. On Friday night we went to the Chiefs game to start of the bday weekend for Zachary. We left before the game ended and the Chiefs ended up losing. We met a couple friends there and had a good time.

On Saturday Zachary had his 6th bday party. We had it at Cedar House Bowling. I couldn't believe how much Zachary was up and trying to walk. He was determined to not be stuck in his wheelchair. Well he did pretty well using everything as his crutch (only till today when his walker gets delivered) Zachary and his friends had a great time. Big sister Marissa was a great help with the kids and helping on 1 of the lanes. Thanks Marissa!!!!!!!!!!

Look at that boy go. He is standing on his own and bowling. Good Job Zachary!!!!!!!

Uncle David, Carter, & Marissa bowling away. Carter ended up bowling a 80 not bad for a 3 1/2 yr old.
Then Sunday was mothers day and it was perfect. No where specific to go and just relax. Yep I actually got to relax for once. I did do a couple errands but not because I had to, just because I wanted to and I am used to going, going, going everyday so I felt odd not doing something. LOL For a little while Zachary and Marissa spent time with Papa so Rob and I enjoyed a nice b'fast and actually went and looked at a open house. Yep I said we went to a open house. We are busting at the seems at our current location and really would like to upgrade to a bigger house if possible. The only problem is we are limited to our search. We need West Middle for the middle school since Marissa was having a fit about switching schools. Elementary won't matter to much for Zach since he really isn't into going to other peoples houses yet and he makes friends easy. Our friend that is a real estate agent says he could sell our house very quickly and easily for us. Which is true seems to be alot of people want Ranch houses these days and ours is all updated whithin the past 7 years. So we will see what happens. Found a couple nice ones but not is the right school zone.